What is Service-Centered Selling

Service-Centered Selling

Let me qualify the meaning of service-centered selling. 

Don’t say Rory Vaden gave you the excuse not to close the sale. I’m not saying you don’t even have to close the sale. 

You do need to close the sale. You should hit your quota. You should exceed those goals. You should make short-term income. Why? 

Because if you’re selling something good, solves a need or matters, then you should be working hard enough to find a large enough number of people who need it right now. 

It doesn’t mean that everybody needs it right now. 

It doesn’t mean that you should lie to them. 

It doesn’t mean that you should pressure them. 

When I say be service-centered, it’s not letting people by. 

Closing the Sale

rory vaden quote

Being service-centered can also sometimes mean being a hard closer.

If the person needs the thing you have, sometimes you must look them dead in the eye and tell them that they should buy this, that it is the right thing for them, and they need to do this. 

Which by the way, I’ve done that one-on-one and on stage. 

I do it on a webinar in front of a thousand people. If they found their way to this webinar and sat through 90 minutes of some of the best training I’ve ever done, and are asking me questions, then I know they want to do this and it’s in their best interest. 

I don’t need their money. I’m not the one who needs it. They are the ones who need it. That’s why they’re here. Why are they waiting? What is holding them back? 

I’m not doing that out of a place of selfish interest or self-centeredness; it’s still making a stand for the other person. 

It’s very similar to this where if my brother was doing drugs, I would tell him to stop doing drugs and that he’s being an idiot. I’m making a stand, not because of what is best for me, but because of what is best for him. 

Now, there will be times also where I tell people that they shouldn’t buy this. We’re not the right fit for them. They are not ready for us yet or we don’t do exactly that. 

I know they want me to say that’s what we do and we may do it, but I’m telling you, it’s going to lead us both down a road that isn’t the right fit. They’re not the perfect fit for us. 

Customer Focus

Being service-centered is not a permission to be a weenie. 

It is permission to stand strong in the service of another person, which means to help them make the decision that is best for them. 

Sometimes the answer is yes, they should buy. Sometimes it is no, they should not. Other times, it is a maybe. 

Never is it they should buy because I need or want them to.  

It is a hundred percent standing in the service of them. 

What about you? Do you type yourself as a service centered salesperson? Let me know in the comments.

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