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Welcome to Rory Vaden’s personal blog about the psychology of Influence

Read about the 4 Levels of Influence

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What makes you unique? (And why is it so difficult to answer that question?!)   This is a topic that comes up time and time again.

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When we talk about overcoming fear, most people think the solution is courage. We’ve all heard the phrase “do it scared” – a concept I

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If you’ve ever been called lazy because you procrastinate, I’m here to tell you there’s a big difference between being lazy and procrastinating. Even though you might

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You could have the best book, podcast, or product on the market, but if you can’t garner attention for it, it’s going to flop. So

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When it comes to money, there are four principles I live and breathe by. These principles may seem simple in theory, but in practice they

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You know you should be creating more video content for your brand. But you DREAD being in front of a camera. You know video content

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Hi! A quick note before you start reading…   This article is specifically for real estate professionals, but ANYONE with a personal brand, in ANY industry,

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I had a DREAM job during my summers in college: door-to-door sales. Imagine waking up and getting punched in the face again and again and

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There’s a great irony in personal branding. And that is: your personal brand is not about you. It may seem counterintuitive, especially when you open

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Success is deceiving. You think it’s about having the right skills, talents, or knowledge to “win” and get ahead. But often success comes from the

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