How to Identify Your Ideal Client
“How do I find my ideal client?”
This is an important question that comes up very often because the more honed in you are on your perfect client, the clearer your marketing is.
Here are five questions to help you identify your perfect audience
Question number one: what path have you already walked down?
This is the overarching secret that we teach our strategists when they are working with someone, just like you one-on-one to help them identify their perfect audience
You are most powerfully positioned to serve the person you once were.
After working with HUNDREDS of clients, we have found that to be true.
- What path have you walked down?
- What problem have you solved?
- What obstacles have you overcome?
- What challenges have you conquered in your own life?
That is the most immediate short-term fastest way to identify exactly who you are positioned to serve.
You are most powerfully positioned to serve the person you once were.
The second question is: what skills have you mastered?
This is similar to the first question, but we’re talking about an actual skill that you can teach somebody quickly.
When I first started my career in my early twenties, I heard about this contest called the “World Championship of Public Speaking”.
I thought to myself, ”Gosh, maybe if I win the world championship of public speaking, that would give me the credibility I need to launch my speaking career.”
One of the things I immediately noticed was that the winners were all funny and this was a problem for me because I wasn’t funny.
I had to learn the psychology of humor if I ever wanted to win.
This is one of the things that we teach in one of our courses at BBG where we teach the nine psychological triggers that cause laughs to happen.
As the story turns out, I actually did not win the world championship, but in 2007 I became the 2007 Toastmasters, a world championship of public speaking, first runner up.
The first product I created was a book, teaching other speakers how they could learn to be funny.
So what skill set do YOU have that you can transform into something valuable to others?
How to Dominate Your Industry
The third question is: what audience do you have access to?
- Who do you already know how to find?
- Who are you already friends with?
- What conferences are you already going to?
One of the biggest mistakes that personal brands make is that they try to market to too many people when they first start.
The secret to winning in the business of personal branding and becoming more well known is not by trying to market to the masses, but by focusing on the niches
“The riches are in the niches.”
You want to be the biggest fish in a small pond and once you become that, go to a bigger pond and become a bigger fish in THAT pond.
And one day it becomes the ocean, but the way to become big is to dominate a small circle first.
So what audience do YOU have access to?

The fourth question is: who can you help monetize the fastest?
What type of people in the world could I help to make money?
Another very big mistake that personal brands make is that they ask themselves, “how can I make money the fastest?”
The best question to ask is what type of person in the world could I help make money?
Who Do You Want Your Client to Be?
Finally, the fifth question is: who are you drawn to serving?
This question is more about your identity and purpose.
Because if you’re just focused on making money from people, you’ll probably burn out because dominating the industry isn’t something that happens overnight.
One caveat to this is that in the short term, you might choose to serve a different audience, just to help you start making money and get momentum and traction so you can reinvest.
If you decide on doing that first, you need to get back on track and start serving rather than selling as soon as possible.
If you’re not clear on who you are serving, you HAVE to take time to figure this out
If you want some help determining your ideal client, I want to invite you to a free call with one of our experienced strategists.