Success is deceiving.
You think it’s about having the right skills, talents, or knowledge to “win” and get ahead.
But often success comes from the invisible, hidden commitments we make to ourselves when no one’s watching.
Let’s look at three critical commitments you can make to yourself to change the trajectory of your life for the better.
Commitment #1: Crush It Where You’re At
We often hear about the importance of side hustles, visions, and future goals.
But let’s not overlook the value of succeeding in what’s right in front of us.
The best way to set yourself up for future success is to excel at what you’re doing right now.
Many people believe that once they’re in the role or business they desire, they’ll make the necessary sacrifices to succeed.
They think, “Once I have my own business, I’ll put in the work,” or “When I get that promotion, I’ll really show up.”
This mindset is a fantasy.
If you’re not willing to make sacrifices and endure short-term pain to succeed in your current situation, why would a different situation suddenly change that?
Being a winner is about character.
It’s about consistently showing up, doing excellent work, and contributing meaningfully.
It’s not a part-time gig you switch on when circumstances are perfect.
The key to winning is to develop success habits now, not later.
In my life, quick pivots to new opportunities were possible because I gave everything to make the current situation succeed.
Success is a habit, so start cultivating it where you are.
Commitment #2: Bank Trust Before Making Transactions
In sales and personal branding, success often boils down to one crucial element: trust.
When someone succeeds spectacularly, it’s usually because they’ve built up trust over time with people.
A great example is when we helped Ed Mylett pre-sell 117,000 copies of his book.
Our strategies played a role, but the real credit goes to Ed for the years of trust he’d built with his audience.
Trust must always precede a transaction.
Many people struggle because they try to sell before they’ve established trust.
You build trust by adding value, giving first, and helping your audience without immediate expectations.
Our content marketing strategy revolves around teaching everything we know for free in small, bite-sized chunks.
We believe people pay for application, not information.
By giving away valuable content, we automate trust. It’s about adding value before asking for something in return.
If your last launch didn’t succeed, it doesn’t mean you failed.
It often means you tried to extract revenue before depositing enough trust.
Focus on adding value and building trust first, and success will follow.
Commitment #3: Stick With It
Success in any business, especially in the personal brand space, boils down to persistence.
You have to stick with it.
Many people quit too early, not realizing that success often comes from simply not giving up.
Being an entrepreneur means being willing to get kicked in the face and come back for more.
It’s not about having a perfect product or being a sales genius.
The most crucial trait of a successful entrepreneur is resilience.
It’s about managing setbacks, rejections, and failures while still moving forward.
Life will throw curveballs your way.
That’s a given.
The question is, can you handle them while still pursuing your goals?
That’s the job.
How many times can you be told no and still keep going?
That’s what it takes to succeed.
If you’re having a hard day, just remember: it’s part of the journey.
Your ability to endure and keep pushing forward is the price of admission for success.
It’s okay to have tough days, but don’t let them deter you from your path.
If you’ve found your way here, I believe you have what it takes.
There’s a calling on your life to make a significant impact.
The pain and challenges are part of the process, but they’re outweighed by the purpose you’re meant to fulfill.
You’re on the right track, so keep pushing forward.