Welcome to the maze of procrastination.
Everyone does it, but few recognize the various ways it can manifest in our lives.
Today, I want to unveil three distinctive types of procrastination that may be blocking your path to your dream goals.
Let’s delve into what these are, how to recognize them, and most importantly, how to overcome them.
Classic Procrastination
Classic procrastination is what most of us think of when we hear the word “procrastination.” It’s the deliberate delay of tasks we know we need to complete.
Recognizing Classic Procrastination
Coming home from work, you see that pile of bills you know you need to pay.
But instead, you find yourself on the couch watching Modern Family reruns.
It’s the conscious decision to avoid something you know you should be doing.
It’s relatable, understandable, and let’s face it, we will probably admit to anyone that we do it.
Why It’s Not The Most Dangerous
Surprisingly, this is not the most perilous form of procrastination.
Because we are conscious of it.
We know when we’re doing it.
We can identify it and, with the right mindset, overcome it.
Creative Avoidance
Creative Avoidance is a term I coined to describe a more insidious form of procrastination.
It’s not that we’re not working; it’s that we’re working on the wrong things.
Recognizing Creative Avoidance
Unlike classic procrastination, where we know we’re avoiding a task, creative avoidance is unconscious.
We might be in meetings all day, on conference calls, pushing papers, answering emails, but at the end of the day, we realize we were nothing more than busy.
Just being busy.
It can look like progress, but it’s merely a distraction.
Why It’s Dangerous
Distraction is a dangerously deceptive saboteur of our goals. It’s not a lack of will or talent that holds us back, but the distraction that prevents us from reaching our destination. We allow ourselves to become so immersed in trivial activities that we lose sight of our real goals.
Priority Dilution
Priority Dilution is the most subtle and often affects the chronic overachievers among us.
It’s different from classic procrastination and creative avoidance, yet equally damaging.
Recognizing Priority Dilution
Priority dilution has nothing to do with laziness or distraction.
It’s a constant state of interruption, focusing on less important but more urgent tasks.
It’s about losing focus on our most significant priorities.
Why It’s Uniquely Challenging
This form of procrastination affects do-gooders, taskmasters, leaders, and executives.
Always falling victim to what’s latest and loudest, they become trapped in a state of interruption rather than focusing on their true priorities.
The Remedy: Discipline
So, what’s the solution to these three forms of procrastination?
It boils down to one word: Discipline.
It’s not easy; it’s not popular, but it’s the truth.
Successful people have the discipline to do what they know they should, even when they don’t feel like it.
Whether it’s taking the stairs when everyone else is on the escalator or seeking coaching even when you’re at the top of your game, it’s about the disciplined focus.
Diluted focus will give you diluted results.
Whether it’s classic procrastination, creative avoidance, or priority dilution, understanding these forms and how they manifest in your life is the first step towards overcoming them.
As you journey towards your “miracle territory,” keep these in mind and cultivate the discipline needed to achieve your goals.
The success is there for you; the question is, are you ready to Take the Stairs?