We all want them.
Those extraordinary, out-of-nowhere moments that change everything for the better.
But can we actually do something to invite miracles into our lives?
I believe we can.
Here’s what I’ve come to understand about creating the conditions for the miraculous to unfold.
Step 1: Ask for a Miracle
This might sound obvious, but it’s a step that most people overlook.
If you’re looking for a miracle, start by asking for one.
I’m not just talking about praying or hoping—it’s about giving yourself permission to dream big, even if that dream seems impossible.
If you’re not religious, think about the power of vision and goals.
People who achieve extraordinary things in life are usually people who dare to imagine something bigger for themselves.
They set bold goals and they go after them, even when those goals feel massively out of reach.
One of the biggest obstacles I’ve noticed—especially among people who grew up in less privileged environments—is a reluctance to even consider the “impossible.”
It feels safer to keep our dreams within the realm of the realistic.
But if you’ve already decided that something can’t happen, you’ve shut the door on that possibility before it even had a chance.
So start by opening that door.
Whether it’s in the context of a career goal, a relationship, or something deeply personal, ask yourself: What would it look like to ask for something miraculous?
Step 2: Walk Towards a Miracle
The second step to inviting a miracle into your life is to take action.
I’m a big believer in the phrase, “As you pray, move your feet.”
Asking for a miracle requires you to do your part, taking real steps toward that dream.
This is where so many people get stuck.
They think that manifesting is about imagining the end result and waiting for the universe (or God) to handle the rest.
But in my experience, achieving something miraculous often requires a lot of hard work between “ask” and “achieve.”
I’ve set goals in my life that felt impossible at first—becoming a black belt, winning the world championship of public speaking, becoming a New York Times bestselling author.
None of these things happened because I sat in a room wishing for them to occur.
They happened because I took action, dealt with setbacks, learned from failures, and kept moving forward…even when I didn’t have all the answers.
You need to align your actions with your belief in the miracle.
As Martin Luther King Jr. famously said, “You don’t have to see the whole staircase; just take the first step.”
So take that step.
Move towards your miracle with everything you’ve got, and trust that the next steps will reveal themselves along the way.
Step 3: Surround Yourself with Miracles
The final step to inviting miracles is to immerse yourself in stories of other people who’ve achieved the impossible.
Because seeing what’s possible for others can help you believe it’s possible for you.
For me, reading the Bible and studying the life of Jesus has been a powerful way to ground myself in the miraculous.
Whether or not you’re religious, there’s something deeply inspiring about learning from people who’ve overcome enormous odds, who’ve achieved things that others told them were impossible.
If you’re not into the Bible, there are countless other stories of miracles you can learn from.
Think about people like Louis Zamperini from Unbroken, who survived impossible odds in WWII.
Or even the modern-day feats of people pushing the boundaries in sports, technology, and human rights.
When you see others achieving what seems unattainable, it expands your understanding of what’s possible.
At Brand Builders Group, for example, we’ve seen over 30 of our clients become bestselling authors!
These are people who initially thought hitting the bestseller list was out of reach.
But by working hard, following a system, and believing in the possibility, they made it happen.
Sometimes surrounding yourself with the right community is all it takes to believe that the impossible can become possible.
Becoming a Willing Participant in Your Own Miracle
In the end, inviting a miracle into your life is about participation.
It’s about asking for the miracle, moving towards it with real, actionable steps, and surrounding yourself with evidence of what’s possible.
These principles hold true whether you’re religious or not.
We live in a world of miracles, both big and small.
The fact that you’re here, reading this, is miraculous in itself when you consider all the factors that had to align for your life to unfold the way it has.
You don’t have to wait passively for something extraordinary to happen.
If you’re ready to take that next step—whether it’s launching your brand, building a business, or simply allowing yourself to dream big—consider scheduling a Free Brand Call with Brand Builders Group.
We help people turn their impossible dreams into reality.