Courage Isn’t the Solution to Fear. This Is. #106

When we talk about overcoming fear, most people think the solution is courage.

We’ve all heard the phrase “do it scared” – a concept I actually coined in my book Take the Stairs back in 2012.

And yes, I still believe in the power of that mindset.

But over the years, I’ve come to realize that the true antidote to fear isn’t courage.

It’s service. 

Fear Is Self-Centered 

Fear, at its core, is a self-centered emotion.

We feel fear when we’re focused on ourselves.

Think about it – fear kicks in when we start worrying about what might happen to us.

It can be in extreme situations, like physical danger: walking down a dark alley, seeing someone approach, or smelling smoke in your house.

That’s a healthy fear meant to protect you. 

But then there’s the other side of fear.

The everyday fear that sneaks into our lives, preventing us from hitting record on the camera because, well, “What if people think I look ridiculous?

What if something’s in my teeth?

What if I say something dumb?”

This type of fear is just as real and just as paralyzing – but it’s focused solely on one person: you. 

When we’re focused on ourselves, we give fear all the power. 

The Power of Service 

But something amazing happens when you shift your focus.

When your mission becomes crystal clear – to serve, to help, to lift others up– fear vanishes. 

Let me give you an example.

Imagine walking down the street and seeing a car flipped over in an accident.

Someone is trapped inside and crying for help.

What do you do?

You run toward them, right?

In that moment, you’re not thinking about whether your breath stinks or if your outfit is unflattering.

You’re not asking yourself, “Am I even qualified to help here?” 

All those thoughts disappear because your focus has shifted from yourself to someone else.

You’re on a mission to help.

And when you’re serving, there’s no room for fear.

That’s when we, as human beings, are at our highest.

Our highest selves come out when we are our highest value to others. 

Personal Brands Must Be Service-Centered 

This idea of shifting from self-centered to service-centered is something we all can apply to our lives.

But it’s especially critical for those building personal brands. 

If you’re caught up in fear – fear of not being good enough, not being ready, not being qualified – you’ll stay stuck in procrastination forever.

Maybe you’ll convince yourself that your course isn’t perfect yet or that you’re not ready to release your product to the world.

It’s a loop of excuses that never ends. 

Here’s the hard truth: we can only do so much to motivate someone from the outside.

External motivation is great, but it fades.

The real transformation happens when you focus on service. 

When your mission is to serve others, fear fades.

Suddenly, it’s not about you.

It’s about the people you’re here to help. 

The Example of Ed Mylett: Driven by Service, Not Success 

Take Ed Mylett, for example.

If you don’t know Ed, he’s someone who’s worth hundreds of millions of dollars, runs one of the biggest podcasts in the world, and still works harder than almost anyone I know.

We worked together to launch his book and pre-sold over 100,000 copies.

(We sold over 35,000 books in a single day!) 

But here’s the thing: Ed doesn’t need more money.

He’s long past the point where he’s building his personal brand for fame or financial gain.

If that was his goal, he would’ve stopped years ago.

Why does he keep going?

It’s because he genuinely cares about helping people.

He’s driven by a mission to make others’ lives better.

He’s not chasing more followers or Amazon reviews – those things are secondary.

What drives him is the desire to serve. 

And here’s the magic: service provides both an immediate sense of satisfaction and a relentless, insatiable drive to keep going.

When you’re focused on helping even one person, it’s enough to feel fulfilled in that moment.

But at the same time, it fuels you to want to help more people. 

That’s where true motivation comes from.

Not from money, fame, or external validation.

Those things are fleeting and will always leave you wanting more.

But service?

That’s the never-ending source of deep fulfillment. 

Mission-Driven Messengers: Putting Service Above All Else 

At Brand Builders Group, we work with mission-driven messengers.

These are people who want more – more income, more impact, more reach – but they know that all of it must be subservient to their mission.

They want money, but it’s subservient to service.

They want income, but it’s secondary to impact.

They desire revenue, but only if it helps grow their reputation as someone who is truly helping others. 

If you’re serious about building your personal brand, this is the mindset shift that will change everything.

When you stop focusing on yourself and start focusing on how you can serve others, that’s when the fear dissolves.

That’s when the magic happens. 

And if you’re ready to take your brand to the next level and make service the center of your mission, maybe it’s time to explore what that really looks like. 

Schedule a free call with the team at Brand Builders Group.

We’re here to help you focus on service, overcome fear, and build a brand that’s driven by something much deeper than monetary metrics. 

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