Becoming ultra-successful is simpler than most people think. It’s often a matter of simply avoiding a few major pitfalls.
Unfortunately, many people spend years (or even their whole lives) making the same mistakes over and over and over again, unintentionally sabotaging their potential.
I’ve identified the five most common mistakes ultra-successful people don’t make and insights to help you avoid making them too.
No more holding yourself back from the success you’re capable of achieving.
1. Stop the Negative Self-Talk
One of the biggest mistakes I see people make is getting trapped in negative self-talk.
Many people are far harsher on themselves than they would EVER be to someone else.
Would you let a stranger talk about someone you love the way you sometimes talk about yourself?
Of course not.
But inside our own minds, we allow ourselves to spiral into self-doubt and criticism.
The problem is that your brain starts to believe whatever you tell it most frequently.
When you’re constantly feeding yourself negative thoughts, you reinforce those beliefs, and they start to feel true—even when they’re not.
The solution?
Start actively practicing positive self-talk.
Encourage yourself, point out your strengths, and celebrate your wins.
If you want to be successful, you have to be your own biggest cheerleader.
2. Resist Short-Term Temptations
Temptation is everywhere, and it comes in many forms: spending, substance abuse, relationships, etc.
The key to overcoming temptation is remembering that it’s a creditor that always charges interest.
It may feel good in the short term, but it will cost you much more in the long run.
Ultra-successful people recognize this truth and prioritize their long-term goals over short-term pleasures.
Ask yourself: are you willing to sacrifice the future you want for a moment of indulgence?
Or would you rather hold onto your vision and avoid the “prison” that comes from being controlled by temptation?
Success requires discipline.
When you can say “no” to what feels good right now, you’re saying “yes” to a bigger and brighter future.
3. Avoid Hanging Around the Wrong People
You become the average of the five people you spend the most time with.
If you surround yourself with people who aren’t driven, who don’t encourage you, or who engage in self-destructive behaviors, don’t be surprised when you find yourself adopting those same habits.
On the other hand, if you’re intentional about spending time with people who are wise, ambitious, and aligned with your values, their influence will pull you up.
This might mean you need to make some tough decisions about your friend group.
But success often requires sacrifice, and one of the most impactful sacrifices you can make is choosing to distance yourself from people who don’t support your growth.
4. Don’t Let Entertainment Consume You
Entertainment isn’t inherently bad.
In fact, a healthy dose of fun and relaxation is essential. But for too many people, entertainment becomes a form of escapism that eats up time they could be using to work on their goals.
The average American watches 27 hours of television per week.
Imagine what you could accomplish if you redirected even half of that time toward something productive.
Whether it’s Netflix, video games, or social media, be mindful of how much of your life you’re investing in entertainment.
Are you watching life happen on a screen, or are you creating your own story?
Entertainment should be the spice of life, not the main course.
5. Break Free from Procrastination
Procrastination is the silent killer of dreams.
Most people procrastinate because they’re afraid of failure or because they want everything to be perfect before they start.
But here’s the reality: there’s no such thing as the perfect plan.
Success is built on iteration—taking action, learning, adjusting, and trying again.
Think of your life as an experiment, not a blueprint.
Successful people aren’t afraid to start messy, make mistakes, and adapt as they go.
They understand that progress matters more than perfection.
So if you’ve been holding back, waiting for the “right” time or the “perfect” plan, it’s time to let that go.
Take a step forward, even if it’s a small one.
Your success depends on your ability to take action, not on how well you can plan.
Success Is Yours if You Let It Be
These five mistakes—negative self-talk, giving in to temptation, keeping the wrong company, overindulging in entertainment, and procrastination—are five of the most common ways people waste their potential.
If you can eliminate or minimize these habits in your life, you’ll be setting yourself up for success almost by default.
Take a look at where you might be holding yourself back.
What patterns do you need to break?
What habits do you need to develop?
What accountability measures do you need to install?
If you’re serious about being an ultra-successful person, consider scheduling a Free Brand Call with Brand Builders Group to help keep you focused on the work that truly matters.