How do you make money using your personal brand?
I’m not talking about play money here.
I’m talking about making a substantial sum of money that can support your household and your lifestyle.
Over the years I’ve experimented with countless ways to bring home the bacon on the back of my personal brand.
Today I want to share three of the fastest options you can pick from to make a million dollars through your personal brand.
1. Land 50 Speaking Gigs at $20k
The speaking circuit can be a lucrative arena for those who excel on stage.
Imagine securing $20,000 per speaking gig and landing 50 of those each year—that’s a smooth million right there!
Achieving this milestone is not overnight work.
It requires honing your craft and establishing a clear, compelling message that resonates with audiences.
That said, if you excel on stage, it’s possible to land $20k speaking gigs on the regular within four or five years.
I’ve seen this level of success firsthand and watched my friends reach it even sooner with the right guidance and strategy.
2. Build a $100/Month Membership Site
Memberships are bumping.
If you charge $100 a month for your membership and attract a thousand subscribers, you’d rake in over a million dollars annually.
The concept is straightforward, but the execution demands attention to customer acquisition and retention.
If charging $100 per month for a membership feels too expensive, put it into perspective.
Many people easily spend at least $100 each month on eating out and hobbies.
That said, you can always tweak the model to $50 a month for 2,000 subscribers.
It’s all about striking the right balance between value, volume, and price.
3. Develop and Sell a $1000 Online Course
The digital education market is booming, and offering a course priced at $1,000 could lead to a million dollars if just a thousand people buy it.
The key here is to solve a significant problem that customers are willing to pay handsomely to make go away.
This concept is rooted in what I like to call the Rule of 10: find a $10,000 problem and sell the solution in a $1,000 course.
Identifying a compelling problem and presenting a clear, actionable solution can set your course apart in a noisy market.
Bonus Idea: Amplify What You Already Do
Here’s a bonus tip (it’s also my favorite strategy).
If you want to make a million dollars per year with your personal brand, simply use your brand to amplify what you’re already doing.
This applies to you whether you’re a doctor, an accountant, or an entrepreneur.
When you increase the value of your personal brand, you can parlay those gains into your existing business.
A valuable personal brand gives you more visibility, more leverage, and more pricing power.
I love this bonus strategy so much because there’s no new product or service to create.
Rather, you’re leveraging your established professional identity to scale your current operations.
No matter what route you choose, to make a million dollars a year with your personal brand, you need focused commitment.
I’m not saying any of this is easy, but I am saying it’s possible.
If you want to partner with someone who can hold you accountable and provide personalized guidance, my team and I at Brand Builders Group are here.
We’d love to hop on a Free Brand Strategy Call with you to brainstorm how to bring your million-dollar brand to life.