3 Publicity Secrets to Attract Media Attention and Grow Your Brand #104

You could have the best book, podcast, or product on the market, but if you can’t garner attention for it, it’s going to flop.

So the question becomes, how can you attract media attention to grow your brand? 

Through my own experience in launching various projects (from cold calling literary agents to building companies from the ground up) I’ve learned a few publicity secrets and I want to share three of them with you today. 

1. Connect Your Expertise to What’s Happening in the News Cycle 

This is the golden rule for gaining media attention.

Traditional media outlets aren’t interested in your book or product simply because it exists.

They care about notable events—things that are timely, trending, and capturing attention.

The key is to tie your expertise or product into the broader news cycle. 

News, at its core, is about notable events, weather, and sports (that’s the original meaning of “NEWS”).

If what you’re promoting doesn’t fall into one of these categories, you need to connect it to something that does.

Producers, bloggers, and media platforms are constantly riding the wave of trending topics to maintain attention and sell advertising.

They want stories that are remarkable, timely, and relevant to current conversations. 

For example, when we launched our Trends in Personal Branding National Research Study, we received a call from Good Morning America the day after it came out.


Because Victoria’s Secret had just announced a major shift away from supermodels and towards personal brands as their spokespersons.  

Our study, which highlighted how people trust personal brands more than company names, fit perfectly into the existing news cycle.

I was able to comment on that story and get national attention because we connected our expertise to something notable happening in the world. 

How to Apply This: 

To get media attention, ask yourself: What is everyone talking about right now?

Then figure out how your product, expertise, or book ties into that.

Your pitch to producers should connect the dots for them. 

Pro Tip: Turn on the news, browse major outlets, or follow social media trends to see what’s dominating the conversation.

Then create an “on-ramp” to connect your expertise to those discussions.

For example, if I wanted to promote my Eternal Life podcast (which talks about Jesus of Nazareth), I could tie it into Easter, Christmas, or even a national conversation about religion and skepticism. 

2. Become the Media 

The second big secret? 

Become the media yourself.

It’s 2024.

You don’t need to wait for someone to feature you.

You can build your own media platform and in doing so attract both an audience and the attention of traditional media. 

At Brand Builders Group, we teach clients how to build their own audience across social media, blogs, podcasts, YouTube, and more.

When you create your own media ecosystem, you no longer have to rely on someone else’s platform (or algorithm) to get attention. 

When you build your own audience, you control the conversation.

You can announce your own launches, promote your products, and even feature other experts to grow your reach.

I don’t have to wait for a major network to feature my new podcast.

I can share it with my email list or on my podcast whenever I want.  

How to Apply This: 

Start producing content consistently.

Use blogging, YouTube, podcasting, email, or social media platforms to create your media ecosystem.

The goal is to build an audience that you can tap into whenever you launch something new. 

Pro Tip: At Brand Builders Group, we use a strategy called the Content Diamond, which helps you create content once and distribute it across multiple platforms in various forms (videos, podcasts, blogs, social posts).

This strategy helps you build a powerful content engine that reaches people everywhere. 

When you build your own platform, you not only have a direct way to promote your own projects, but you also understand the pressures and needs of traditional media better.

That makes you a stronger candidate for guest appearances because you “get” what producers are looking for. 

3. Build Relationships Before You Need Them 

This is the magic formula that has helped build my career, and it’s the principle behind how Brand Builders Group scaled from zero to eight figures in five years.

The key is simple: Build relationships before you need them. 

Many people make the mistake of only reaching out to contacts when they have something to promote.

That’s too late.

Instead, focus on adding value to others long before you need their help.

Offer to help people launch their projects, connect them with resources, and promote their work for free.

When you consistently give without expecting anything in return, you build a network of goodwill that will pay off when it’s time to launch your own project. 

For example, I’ve helped numerous authors, speakers, and influencers promote their work without asking for anything in return.

When the time comes for me to launch something, I don’t have to ask for favors—I’ve already invested in those relationships.

This is a concept I call the Relationship Switchboard.

I keep track of everyone I know who has a platform and everyone I know who would make a great guest, and I simply connect them to each other, adding value on both sides. 

How to Apply This: 

Start building relationships now—before you need them.

Offer to help others launch their projects, promote their content, or connect them with people who can help.

Over time, this will create a network of people who are willing to support you when it’s your turn to launch. 

One of the core mantras at Brand Builders Group is to give first. 

Whether you’re connecting people, sharing resources, or offering to promote someone’s work, leading with generosity builds lasting relationships.

When the time comes for your launch, those relationships will come through for you in ways you can’t even predict. 

To make your next launch as successful as possible, connect your expertise to current events, build your own media platform, and invest in relationships before you need them.

And if you want, schedule a free brand call with one of our strategists at Brand Builders Group.

We help mission-driven messengers grow their audience, gain media attention, and build an impactful brand. 

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