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When it comes to money, there are four principles I live and breathe by. These principles may seem simple in theory, but in practice they

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Hi! A quick note before you start reading…   This article is specifically for real estate professionals, but ANYONE with a personal brand, in ANY industry,

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I get this question all the time: “How do I leave my job and start a side hustle?” It’s a scary decision, and it’s one

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My company, Brand Builders Group, is flooded with qualified referral business every month. Today I want to tell you how we get such a steady

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Gimmicks don’t make you wealthy. Habits do. If you didn’t come from money, win the lottery, or marry rich, then keep reading because below are

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There’s a simple way to double your revenue without adding a single new customer. Yep, you read that right. You can double your revenue without

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Do you know any speakers who want to lower their speaking fees this year? Yeah, me neither. Who doesn’t want to command higher fees for

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I’m a Hall of Fame Speaker and I coach some of the greatest public speakers of our era. You know what separates good speakers from

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I’m super pumped to talk about something that’s been a game changer for Brand Builders Group. We’re on track to hit eight figures this year,

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In the world of high-ticket sales, understanding the art of pricing and value perception is crucial. I want to share with you four key strategies

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