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Anyone (and I mean ANYONE) who wants to achieve success needs mental toughness. Mental toughness is directly related to how your brain processes rejection, pain,

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“Success is never owned. Success is only rented, and the rent is due every day.”   That quote is from my book Take the Stairs: 7

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Time is finite, which means you better have a plan to manage it. These five books will give you the tools to make the most

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Want to get ahead of 99% of people in life? If so, listen up. There are three activities you can do to accelerate your results,

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One of the easiest ways to improve your presentation skills has nothing to do with the words you say and everything to do with the

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There are seven major money lies that almost everyone believes. It’s a shame that these misconceptions have become the doctrine du jour because they are

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I’ve read hundreds of books. Many of them were duds, but some of them changed my life in such profound ways that it would be

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I’ve read HUNDREDS of books. Most of them were instructive (apart from a few duds), but there were five books that completely changed the way

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If there’s one thing that unifies humanity, it’s the awkwardness we all experience when meeting new people. But business growth depends on your ability to

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Public speaking is often listed among the top fears people have, but with adequate preparation, that fear diminishes significantly. As a seasoned speaker, I’ve journeyed

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