Don’t Start with “WHY” – Start with “WHO” (Personal Branding Edition) #107

What makes you unique? (And why is it so difficult to answer that question?!)  

This is a topic that comes up time and time again.

We often feel like we’re supposed to have this ONE THING that sets us apart, this superpower, this special gift that no one else has.

But asking “What makes me unique?” is the wrong question.  

Most people are focused on the what.

What is my uniqueness?

What could be my one thing?

What would separate me from everyone else?

But focusing on what can keep you stuck, and it’s why so many struggle to find purpose.

And even when they move beyond that to asking why, they’re still not getting to the heart of what truly matters for personal brands. 

Allow me to explain… 

Why Personal Brands Should Start with “Who” 

I’m a big fan of Simon Sinek’s “Start with Why.”

I think he’s one of the greatest leadership thinkers of our time, and his work has helped so many companies thrive by getting clear on their purpose.

For companies, starting with why is powerful. But for personal brands, the journey starts somewhere else. 

Your uniqueness doesn’t begin with what you do or even why you do it.

It begins with who you are meant to serve.

And the quickest way to find your uniqueness, your purpose, and even your profit, is by asking: 

Who am I meant to serve? Who am I able to serve? 

For most of us, our why is a who.

The reason you work hard might be to take care of your kids or to support a loved one.

The reason someone might dedicate themselves to medical research could be to find a cure for someone close to them.

When we dig deeper, the driving force behind so many of our actions is the who we want to help. 

Clarity Comes When You Know Your ‘Who’ 

When you’re clear on who you’re meant to serve, everything else falls into place.

Decisions about your business, your content, and your offerings become so much easier.

You know exactly what podcasts to appear on, what articles to write, what events to attend, and what types of services to offer. 

But without a clear who, you’ll feel scattered.

Let’s say you’re trying to speak to single moms, but at the same time you’re trying to help couples.

These two groups have different needs, different challenges, and they show up in different places.

You can’t be everything to everyone.

You need to get specific about your who

Once you know your who, your message, your content, and your offerings will align with their needs.

And that’s where the magic happens—not only in finding your purpose but also in finding profit. 

How to Find Your Who: The Secret Formula 

I can almost hear you asking, “But how do I know who I’m meant to serve?

How do I find my who?”

This is the secret we’ve uncovered after working with countless personal brands.

It’s the greatest lesson we’ve learned, and it boils down to this: 

You are most powerfully positioned to serve the person you once were. 

This is the key.

The shortcut to finding your uniqueness and your purpose is to look at your own life and ask: What challenges have I overcome?

What setbacks have I survived?

What obstacles have I triumphed over? 

The answers to these questions will point directly to the people you’re meant to serve.

No one in the world is more equipped to help someone who’s going through what you’ve already been through.

Not Tony Robbins.

Not Brene Brown.


Because you’ve walked that path personally. 

Experience is Your Greatest Credential 

And here’s the beautiful part: you don’t need a fancy degree or a massive social media following to be qualified.

Your qualification comes from your experience.

The fact that you’ve lived through it is what gives you the ultimate credibility.

People don’t need an expert with a wall full of credentials—they need someone who understands their struggle and can help them find their way out. 

So if you’re trying to figure out your uniqueness or your purpose, stop asking what and start asking who.

The person you are most powerfully positioned to serve is the person you once were. 

Ready to Discover Your Who? 

If you’re ready to dive deeper into finding your who and want to build a personal brand that feels aligned with your purpose, we can help.

At Brand Builders Group, we’ve worked with hundreds of individuals to help them uncover their uniqueness and create brands that are impactful and profitable. 

If you’re curious about how this process works, schedule a free Brand Strategy Call with us.

Stop feeling lost and start getting clear on your purpose so you can serve the people you’re meant to serve. 

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