Want More Referrals? Here’s the Simple Secret to Getting Them #95

My company, Brand Builders Group, is flooded with qualified referral business every month.

Today I want to tell you how we get such a steady stream of inbound referrals and four reasons why you should optimize your sales engine for more of them.  

The Simple Secret to Inbound Referrals 

Ready for the magic formula?

Here it is: if you want to get referrals, you need to give referrals.

Yes, it’s that straightforward.

You need to become an expert at giving referrals, have great systems for it, and develop a heart and faith for it.

Because when you give referrals abundantly, you will inevitably receive them, too.

It’s astonishingly simple, yet so many people miss this. 

It’s a shift in mindset from being a great service provider to being a great connector.

And here are four underrated reasons why being a great connector is good for your business.  

Four Underrated Reasons to Give More Referrals  

1. Keep in Touch with Past Clients 

One of the beautiful byproducts of giving referrals is that you can keep in touch with past clients.

When you refer others to your clients, you’re helping their businesses thrive and it’s a powerful way to nurture those valuable relationships. 

For example, I book people on podcasts and social media live streams not because it’s my business to help them get booked, but because it keeps me connected with past clients.

I’m always asking myself: “Who can I introduce to my clients?”

This mindset keeps those relationships warm and ongoing. 

2. Build Reciprocity 

For me, it’s not the theory of reciprocity.

It’s the law.

When you support and help others, you’ll receive support in return.

It might not always come from the same person, but it will come.

It’s about creating a balance of relationship equity. 

Consider this Bible verse from Malachi 3:10: “Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse…Test me in this, says the Lord Almighty, and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.”

This principle applies to giving in general.

Trust that your generosity will be rewarded. 

3. Force Yourself to Become Systematic 

Being a great giver of referrals requires you to be systematic.

A business thrives on great systems, and giving referrals is no different.

You need a structured approach to track and manage your referral network.

In our membership portal, we have a training called the Relationship Switchboard, where I show you how to systematically track connections. 

Developing these systems will help you not only in giving referrals but also in other areas of your business, leading to massive lead generation and growth. 

4. Transform Your Heart from Self-Centered to Service-Centered 

One of the greatest journeys in life is moving from a self-centered to a service-centered mindset.

Giving referrals forces you to think about others and how you can serve them.

This shift in perspective leads to greater happiness, joy, and purpose in life. 

As Acts 20:35 says, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.”

This principle is about developing a posture of grace, giving without expectation, and trusting that it will come back to you.

Funny enough, I found this transformation to benefit my business and my personal development. 

Generosity as a Business Strategy  

The more you give, the more you’ll receive, and soon, you’ll be so busy with warm leads you’ll need a team to handle them all.

Beyond just getting more business, this practice will keep you connected with clients, build reciprocal relationships, force you to create systems, and transform your heart. 

Now go out and serve someone today.

Help your past clients, introduce them to useful people, and give with abundance.

And if you’re looking for more tips to grow your business, stay plugged in here.  

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